Looking for the best Realtor in Edmonton?
I’ll bet you are thinking I’m just going to name myself here. Wouldn’t that be a quick read? Wrong! Here is actually how you find the best Realtor in Edmonton.

Don’t just look up “best Realtor in Edmonton” on Google and assume that’s going to get you the result you are looking for. To be honest, a lot of Realtors are really good at their work. But a lot of Realtors are also really good at advertising themselves – and that doesn’t say anything about the kind of job they’ll do for you. So, before you decide to pick a Realtor based on an online “best of” list, read this first.
Know What You Are Looking For
Finding the best of anything really starts with you knowing what you want. Not just what you want in a property or the sale of one, but what do you want in an agent? Do you need the agent to have a lot of specific experience? Maybe you want an agent who has been doing the job for decades. Perhaps you need someone with specialized knowledge of condos, or foreclosures or equestrian properties? Or maybe you want someone who has patience and energy for the zillions of showings you expect to go on? Perhaps you just need a good problem solver who can help you out in a complex situation. Whatever the case, consider not just what you want from an agent, but what you want that agent to be like.
Read: Why I’m Not the Real Estate Agent for You
Ask for a Referral From Someone You Trust
If you’re looking for a real estate agent in Edmonton, start by asking friends or family about their experience with buying or selling a house. If they were happy with the experience, then you could be too. Referrals are great – I ask for them all the time!
Be aware that your needs are not the same as your parents’ or cousin’s or even your friend’s. Think about their situation, their style, their outlook on life, their needs. Getting some referrals is a great preliminary search because you get an opportunity to ask questions about the relationship and how the transaction went.
Read: First-Time Homebuyer in Edmonton? Here’s Your Step-by-Step Guide
Check Reviews
Online reviews are fantastic, but they aren’t all created equal – and they aren’t all real. Google Business Profile reviews are a good place to start because you can’t pay for them and they’re a little harder to manipulate (if you get too much fake stuff going on, Google will shut you down.) But even then, be suspicious.
I had an agent ask me to review him on Google. In exchange, he said he’d review me too. Easy way to get quick reviews, hey? I guess I did work with him on a deal, but if you were reading reviews on Google and you found out that a lot of them were from other agents who got one in return, would you find that helpful? Aren’t you wondering what the agent’s clients actually think? We all know that’s the real review. Do carefully read all the reviews you see on Google. Remember, you are going to hire a Realtor for the most important purchase or sale of your life.
Meet With the Agent
A good agent will have a broad knowledge and should be able to work with almost anyone. There is no accounting for personality, though. Have a meeting with the agent. I know meeting agents in person takes time, but remember: this is a really important purchase or sale!
For buyers, it’s imperative that you meet with your Realtor about what you want to buy but this is also an opportunity to get to know an agent. The questions they ask you about what you want will tell you a heck of a lot about what kind of agent they are. And if you’re selling your home in Edmonton, then ask your agent about the process. They can do an evaluation and tell you what they think your house will sell for.
But also really consider what they are like as people. Will you be able to work together? Do you see yourself working with them? When things go smoothly you don’t really know who you’re dealing with. It’s when the shit hits the fan that you realize who takes responsibility and who shifts the blame. Try to get to know your agent before you decide if you want this person representing you. You can’t know everything about someone, but seeing who has the patience for your questions and how they answer can make a difference.
Be Wary of Online Lists
There are lots of “best Realtor” lists online these days. But guess what? Not all of them are legitimate and some are even “pay for placement” models. It’s the same as anything else you research online. Evaluate it carefully, ask around, and don’t assume that what you see is what you’ll get.
Decide Whether to Be Wowed by “Top” Realtors
Just because someone is a top agent does not mean they are the best agent for you. Think about the time and attention you want from your agent and make sure this person will work for you and not just the transaction. People who sell a lot can be fantastic because they have the experience and skills to get the job done. But they might also just be quick – or have a team to help them. Maybe you just want a quick sale and you don’t care how much you get. But remember that important things can take time and slow can be the way to go when working in real estate.
A Word on Real Estate Contracts
Selling a house in Edmonton requires a contract and these contracts bind you to that agent’s brokerage for the duration of that contract. If you use a buyer’s agent, you may or may not need to sign a buyer representation agreement (I don’t make my clients sign one). Some buyer representation agreements are binding and have a duration as well. In any case where you are bound to a brokerage or agent, you will be stuck with that choice until either the contract expires, a transaction is made, or you mutually agree to terminate that contract. Be sure you want to work with that agent or brokerage before you sign any contract with them.
Read your agreement carefully and if you don’t understand anything, ask questions! If you are not satisfied with the answer, you can talk to the broker at their office or ask for independent legal advice. Make sure you only agree to work with someone you feel comfortable with and don’t allow anyone to pressure you into signing if you aren’t satisfied with the terms. There is nothing worse than being stuck with someone when you just can’t stand working with them!
Now, Go Find a Great Edmonton Realtor!
There you have it. That’s my advice on finding the best real estate agent in Edmonton. Understand your needs, do your research, get advice and ask as many questions as you can think of. The best Edmonton Realtor for you may not be the best Realtor for anyone else. Make sure you find the right fit.
If you’re interested in learning about me and my philosophy as an agent, you can learn more about me here.