What does RF4 Zoning Mean?
RF4 zoning is a residential bylaw in Edmonton, Alberta, that permits the building of group homes, minor home businesses, suites, duplexes, houses and some signage. Another name for RF4 zoning is Semi-detached Residential Zoning.
The minimum lot size for RF4 zoned lots is 360m² (3875ft²) for houses, or as little as 225m² (2422ft²) for semi-detached homes or duplexes.

Real Estate Agent Explains RF4 Zoning
RF4 zoning also has some uses that are discretionary – that is sometimes other uses will be allowed. They are: child care services, group homes, major home businesses, religious assemblies, signage and sale centres, too.
For more information on RF4 zoning, please check out the City of Edmonton Bylaw page on Semi-detached Residential Zoning.
Why Does It Matter?
Land use codes determine what can be done with a property, and also sometimes how valuable a property is. It can be tricky to change the zoning of a parcel of land, so getting the land with the right zoning can be valuable.
(Zoning is not a searchable field on the public MLS® system. If you’re looking for RF4 zoned properties, please give me a call or contact me online, and I can provide you with a list of all the Edmonton real estate zoned RF4 available today.)
Hi, I currently have a side-by-side duplex under a single land titled that is zoned RF4. I was wondering if I split the title into 2 half-duplexes, would I need to look at rezoning?
Hi Alex,
You should be able to separate the two units, but I would talk to the City of Edmonton about procedure. You would likely need a lawyer as well, but should not need to rezone anything. It’s just a change in the type of ownership – it’s already a duplex so it shouldn’t be too difficult.